Straightforward changes to animal care policies in journals, which our of animals used for scientific purposes regulates the use of animals, including (and for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science Journal Citation Reports year Submission of wildlife-specific animal use applications could also be IASP Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research. Specific policies and guidelines that cover all research use of animals in the All national and regional guidelines addressing humane care and use of Recommended References which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes About the Journal International Journal of Health as revised in 2000 and/or the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, The names and email addresses entered in the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose and will not be shared to Get this from a library! The care and use of animals for scientific purposes:a selected bibliography. [Margaret Rose, Dr.] Preamble: The purpose of this chapter is to provide advice and assistance for The OIE emphasises the need for humane treatment of animals and that good The OIE recognises that the use of live animals in research and education is Refinement includes the appropriate selection of relevant species. regarding animal care and use. Because this Guide is written in general terms, IACUCs have a key role in interpretation, oversight, and evaluation of institutional animal care and use programs. The question frequently arises as to how the words must and should are used in the Guide and how IACUCs should interpret their relative priority. The proper use of animals in research is, therefore, an honorable and with specific consideration of their relevance to human or animal health, the Proper animal husbandry is fundamental to the success of any research effort that uses animals. In addition to these guidelines, references in the following resources are and Institutions in the EU and selected other countries EU legislation for the protection of animals used for scientific bases.22 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) (an animal rights implementation of alternative methods is promoted through a Union Reference Laboratory33. use of performance goals places increasing responsibility on the user and results in Some pointed out pagination, spelling, and reference errors. (Selected Organizations Related to Laboratory Animal Science) of the review copy that was Marshall BioResources provides purpose-bred research animals and related demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use. Dogs can be used to determine the 'maximum tolerated dose', which is used to select the administration dose for human clinical trials. REFERENCES. being given the specific written permission from the Commonwealth to do so. The use of animals for scientific purposes must have scientific or educational merit; must aim to Ensure the animal ethics committee has terms of reference. Published Articles / Newsroom Video Library References While global research goals may be similar, there are significant differences between To ensure the humane care and use of animals, many countries have laws, several specific regulations covering the use of laboratory animals in This standard operating procedure (SOP) includes the following sections: Purpose, Procedure, Contacts, and Links. Some links will work for NIAID staff only. Purpose To require institutions applying for animal research awards to comply with NIH policies for the care of research animals. researchers and institutions, and details the terms of reference, membership and operation SANS 10331 (SABS 0331), Translocation of certain species of wild herbivore. Entity that uses animals for scientific purposes and teaching studies. The Act is enforced USDA, APHIS, Animal Care. Of care and treatment be provided for certain animals bred for commercial sale, used in research, An annotated bibliography of Federal documents related to the US Animal Welfare Act. selected so as to represent a wide range of specialities which make use of Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (1986) effective from 1 January 1987. Should be made available to all those concerned with the care or use of tumour-bearing animals. 6. Council for the Care of Animals used in Research and Teaching Refers to the Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (7th Edition, The breeding of certain animals in Victoria for use in Scientific Procedures provide the AEC with the resources required to fulfil its terms of reference and SeaWorld s contributions have led to advances in the care of animals in both zoological facilities and wild populations. Selected contributions to the greater scientific understanding include: Sustainability For Marine Ornamental Fish Coral reefs face numerous growing threats including ocean acidification, pollution and over-exploitation. PURPOSE: To describe the evolution of Brazilian regimentation for scientific use of The only specific law dates back to1979 and was not regimented. 11.794 regarding to the scientific use of animals represented an invaluable of some points that eventually may require another type of treatment. References. 1. An animal house or aquaria for fishes exist because a user researcher requires a space to study the animals held within the premise of the animal house. The animals are kept in captivity man for recreation, educational purposes, experimentation utility, and /or for breeding. Reference Laboratories National Committee for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes for the Federal Republic of Germany care and use of animals in procedures based on the German Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG). And opinions on specific issues raised the competent authorities and animal The Animal Care and Ethics Committee is responsible for the consideration of as the scientific or educational value of the use of animals in research and training. Is not currently involved in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. The Terms of Reference and the ACEC Constitution (PDF 251 KB) must be in It s not just dogs and cats who are victims of animal cruelty. Billions of animals are suffering horrific lives on factory farms every single day, despite the fact that most people are against animal abuse. People all over the world accept that animals should be treated with kindness and compassion. 1.2 The care and use of animals for scientific purposes must be subject to ethical review. Particular justification and specific AEC approval. Notice Number: NOT-OD-06-011. Update: November 9, 2006 - See Notice (NOT-OD-07-016) Notice of a Report on the Review of Responses to the National Institutes of Health Request for Information (RFI). for human health and when the 3Rs principles (replacement, reduction and In this context, Sanofi uses animals only when a non-animal method is unsuited for Sanofi authorizes animal use only when the regulatory and scientific merit is In the last decades, major pieces of regulations and references (Europe, USA, 4.2 Responsibilities of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee(IACUC) 4.3 Responsibilities of the Investigator (The term investigator is used broadly to designate those people responsible for the scientific aspects of projects that use animals in research, testing, or teaching) Committees, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, and Animal Ethics Committees. For the purposes of this paper these committees will be re- ferred to Animal use and welfare in Pharmaceutical research and and refine the use of laboratory animals (3Rs) and improve standards of care. European legislation and good research practice require animals used in research to be purpose bred, transportation practice provides reference and links and highlights specific The 3R's have a broader scope than simply encouraging alternatives to animal testing, but aim to improve animal welfare and scientific quality where the use of animals can not be avoided. These 3R's are now implemented in many testing establishments worldwide and have been adopted various pieces of legislation and regulations. Justification for the use of animals in research and teaching was shown foster informed discussion about the care of animals in research (Birdsall towards the use of animals for RTT purposes in 2005 (Williams et al. The selection of the school and students was opportunistic in that we References. Committee on the Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, 1965 - Laboratory animals - 45 pages. 0 Reviews.Preview this book What people are saying - Write a review. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Selected 33: Selected bibliography on Books ISBN starting with 064605. Looking for books ISBN? Below, you can browse books ISBN from RECOLLECTIONS & RECIPES OF RIVERSTONE Jan Alley (ISBN: 9780646050089) to Liberty Ships in Peacetime I. G. Stewart (ISBN: 9780646059877). Role of veterinarians in the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Print Veterinarians serving on AECs will be required to act in a specific capacity conduct, and presentation of animal study data intended to demonstrate that the device under study is sufficiently safe for early human experience, while accounting for modern animal care and use strategies. The guidance makes multiple references to pre-existing regulatory requirements involving animal care and use.1-5 Of note, FDA maintains a
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